Small Business Helpful Links
Ahead for business. Australian Government-backed initiative, including an app and a website, to help small business owners take action on their mental health and wellbeing.
Australian Business Register. Assistance with registering online as a sole trader or partnership.
Australian Securities and Investment Commission. Apply for a company or business name. Learn your obligations as a company director and why record-keeping is a legal requirement for tax purposes.
Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. Support and advocacy for Australian small business and family enterprises.
Australian Small Business. Follow this Facebook page for news, events, webinars and initiatives for building your small business.
Australian Taxation Office. Help for small businesses to understand and comply with tax requirements. There is information on preparing and lodging your BAS, Tax File Number essentials, superannuation, electronic record keeping, electronic payment systems and a free app.
Austrade. Find out about exporting, and how to expand your business Internationally. Information to help your business succeed, including free tools and resources.
Contracts and tenders. Government tenders, State and Federal.
Events and workshops. A handy postcode search tool to find business workshops, networking events, conferences and webinars to help you to improve your business skills and grow your network.
Grants and programs. This useful postcode search tool will help you find a grant or support program to help your business.
Intellectual Property Australia. Information about trademarks, copyright, patent and design registrations. Protect your business name, innovations and inventions.
Workforce Australia Find staff, advertise job vacancies (for free) or find out how to host an internship. Connect to Employment Service Providers so they can help you with recruitment for free
Safe Work Australia. Australian government statutory body established to develop national policy relating to work health and safety and workers’ compensation.
Stay Smart Online. A guide to help owners and managers of small businesses to put good online security practices in place.